Each completed task (within one week) adds up to 2 points.
Submitted later solved task \adds 1 point.
Students can check the solutions of some tasks with the system
Students send an e-mail to nkkirov<at>gmail.com
with attachment (one or several files) - the C ++ or C source
with the solution of the task. The file names are formed by the
student's Faculty Number, Underscore_, Task Number, such as
f12345_1.cpp or f12345_1.c.
Solutions are tested with many examples unknown to the
student, including borderline cases. Each solution is judged as
accepted or rejected, and the student is notified of the
results. Rejected runs will be marked as follows:
- compilation error
- run-time error
- time-limit exceeded
- wrong answer
If the solution is rejected, the student may resubmit another
(corrected) solution to the problem.
When a student has received
1 point for some tasks and has completed all the tasks, he/she
is entitled to request additional tasks to supplement up to 30
The competition is held from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm on Saturday
at NBU, 702 halls, II building
The student can participate in all competitions, taking into
account his best result.
The competitions are conducted according to the rules of the
Republican Student Olympiad in programming (Републиканската студентска олимпиада по
програмиране), with the only difference being individual
(not team) participation.
The competition is offered at least 8 tasks, with 5 points
awarded for each solved task (no more than 4 tasks are expected
to be solved), for a maximum of 20 points.
The practice is conducted on the rules of the
competition - the student is given tasks and a computer to write
the solutions to the tasks - running C ++ programs.
Open hours: Tuesday 9:40
and Wednesday 9:30, office 712-2.
Този курс с провежда и на български език като CSCB324.