Nikolay Kirov
Teaching [bg]
Courses in 2017/2018 academic year

NETB201 Data Structures [2017/2018]

Lectures: Tuesday, 16:20, 403-II
Ехам: 7.02, Wednesday, 13:00, 213-1

Консултация за теста / Consultation for the test: 6.11, 9:40, 403-2
The lecture will be held on 3 December, Sunday, 8:00, 110-2
On December 5, there will be no lecture.
Консултация за втори тест / Consultation for second test 11.12, Monday, 16:20, 407-1.
Допълнителна дата за финален изпит: 16.02, петък, 8:00, 304-2

Изпит NETB201 на 28.06, 8:00, 127-1

 Textbook Michael Goodrich, Roberto Tamassia, David M. Mount, Data Structures and Algorithms in C++, Wiley, 2004.  [NBU Library: Ч 681.325.3 / G 64, Moodle NBU]
Michael Goodrich, Roberto Tamassia, David M. Mount, Data Structures and Algorithms in C++, Wiley, Second edition, 2011. [Moodle NBU]

Evaluation rules: Правила за оценяване

Link to NETB223 Data Structures Project


List of students

Current evaluation
 Test_1 7.11

Final evaluation
  Final Test
  Oral Exam

Counseling of students:  Tuesday, 14:00-16:00 and Wednesday, 9:30-11:00 in 712-2.  For reconciliation send an email to nkirov<at>
Лекциите от този курс могат да се чуят на български език в сряда, 11:20, 110-2 (курс CITB303)

Last update on  June 7, 2018