Връзки за С++

Стандарт на С++

International standard for the C++
Bjarne Stroustrup (C++'s designer)

Курсове, списъци

Computer Science Courses on the WWW C/C++, University of Ulster, UK
ComS 207- C++ Programming I, Iowa State University, USA
COMP 112, Wesleyan University, Connecticut, USA
CPS201—Computer Programming I, Heidelberg College, DE

"Електронни книги"

Язык Программирования С++, Bjarne Stroustrup
Standard Template Library Programmer's Guide
C++ 3rd: комментарии, Сергей Деревяго
C++ Annotations by Frank B. Brokken and Karel Kubat, ICCE, University of Groningen, NL.
Introduction to C++ Programming I by Ian Aitchison and Peter King, Heriot-Watt University and Aberdeen University, UK.
Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming Using C++ by Peter Mueller

Библиотеки със С++ класове и алгоритми

LEDA - C++ class library of the data types and algorithms of combinatorial computing


 К. Хорстман, Принципи на програмирането със С++, ИК Софтех, София, 2000.
 H.M.Deitel & P.J.Deitel, C++ How to Program, Second edition, Prentice Hall, 1998.

Книги по С++ на български език

Mailing lists and C/C++ Users Groups

InfoMan (на български)
C/C++ програмиране c_Develop@lists.prolink.bg
C/C++ Users Group

Среди за програмиране на С++

Dev-C++ for Windows. Free environment (IDE) and compiler for the C and C++ language
GCC - GNU Compiler Collection (including GNU/Linux)
GNU C/C++ Compiler for DOS. DJGPP Project
Borland C++Builder
Turbo C++ 3.0 for DOS

Списъци с връзки

WWW C++ Information

Back to Преподаване Последна промяна: 8 януари 2002 г.