Nikolay Kirov
Teaching [bg]
Courses in 2009/2010 academic year

NETB330 Advanced Programming Project - 1

Textbook: Steven S. Skiena,  Miguel A. RevillaProgramming Challenges, The Programming Contest Training Manual Series: Texts in Computer Science, Springer, 2003 [Call Number: Ч 681.325.3 / S 66]

You have to execute the following algorithm:
First step:
  1. Register yourself as a student at:
  2. Go to: Problemset All problems, page 2 (sorted by ID)
  3. Choose a problem to solve (with ID from 110201 to 110208) among these, which are free yet.
  4. E-mail me your choice.
Second step, when you are assigned the Problem No.
  1. Read chapters 1 and 2 from the textbook.
  2. Write a program in C++ for solvig your problem.
  3. Check the program using Problem submission [submit] 
  4. E-mail me the source code.
Third step:

Problem No.
F39703 Божидар Златев Златев 110202 Poker Hands
F38692 Борис Стоянов Тодоров
110205 Stack 'em Up yes
F39998 Волен Йорданов Иларионов 110207 Contest Scoreboard yes
F38860 Иван Минчев Колев 110204 yes
F40681 Илия Йованов 110203 Hartals yes
F39786 Калоян Любомиров Бешев

Красимир Николаев Димов
110206 yes
F40480 Петър Георгиев Пешев

F39984  Пламен Георгиев Бързаков

F40998 Симеон Симеонов Абанос
110201 Jolly Jumpers yes
F46653 Стилиян Николаев Колев

Last update on January 22, 2012