Chapter 9: Vectors and Arrays

Chapter Goals

Using Vectors to Collect Data Items

Syntax 9.1 Vector Variable Definition

Syntax 9.1 : Vector Variable Definition

vector<type_name> variable_name;
vector<type_name> variable_name(initial_size);
vector<int> scores;
vector<Employee> staff(20);
Purpose: Define a new variable of vector type, and optionally supply an initial size.

Syntax 9.2 Vector Subscripts

Syntax 9.2 : Vector Subscripts

salaries[i + 1]
Purpose: Access and element in a vector.

Vector Subscripts

Vector Subscripts (salvect.cpp)

Vector Parameters and Return Values

Vector Parameters and Return Values (matches.cpp)

Removing and Inserting Elements

Removing and Inserting Elements (erase2.cpp)

Removing and Inserting Elements (insert.cpp)

Parallel Vectors

Parallel Vectors (bestval1.cpp)

Parallel Vectors (bestval2.cpp)


Syntax 9.3: Array Variable Definition

Syntax 9.3 : Array Variable Definition

type_name variable_name[size];
int scores[20];
Purpose: Define a new variable of an array type.

Array Parameters

Array Parameters (salarray.cpp)

Character Arrays

Character Arrays (append.cpp)

Two-Dimensional Arrays

Syntax 9.4: Two-Dimensional Array Definition

Syntax 9.4 : Two-Dimensional Array Definition

type_name variable_name[size1][size2];
double monthly_sales[NREGIONS][12];
Purpose: Define a new variable that is a two-dimensional array.

When passing a two-dimensional array to a function, you must specify the number of columns as a constant with the parameter type.

The number of rows can be variable.

void print_table(const double table[][BALANCE_COLS], int table_rows)
{ const int WIDTH = 10;
cout << fixed << setprecision(2);
for (int i = 0; i < table_rows; i++)
{ for (int j = 0; j < BALANCES_COLS; j++)
cout << setw(WIDTH) << table[i][j];
cout << "\n";

Two-Dimensional Arrays (matrix.cpp)