01: #include <iostream>
02: #include <vector> 
03: using namespace std;
04: /**
05:    Returns the positions of all values within a range
06:    @param v a vector of floating-point numbers
07:    @param low the low end of the range
08:    @param high the high end of the range
09:    @return a vector of positions of values in the given range
10: */
11: vector<int> find_all_between(vector<double> v, 
12:                        double low, double high)
13: {  vector<int> pos;
14:    for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++)
15:      if (low <= v[i] && v[i] <= high)
16:          pos.push_back(i);
18:    return pos;
19: }
21: int main()
22: {  vector<double> salaries(5);
23:    salaries[0] = 35000.0;
24:    salaries[1] = 63000.0;
25:    salaries[2] = 48000.0;
26:    salaries[3] = 78000.0;
27:    salaries[4] = 51500.0;
29:    vector<int> matches
30:       = find_all_between(salaries, 45000.0, 65000.0);
32:    for (int j = 0; j < matches.size(); j++)
33:       cout << salaries[matches[j]] << "\n";
34:    return 0;
35: }