Employee - базов
клас, Manager -
производен клас
- членовете-данни на базовият клас са членове-данни и на
производния клас (всеки обект от производния клас съдържа данните
на базовия клас);
- функциите на производният клас нямат достъп до
частните членове на базовия клас.
** Дефиниции на функции в производния клас
Конструкторът на производния клас има две задачи:
- да инициализира полетата с данни, дефинирани в производния клас;
- да инициализира обекта от базовия клас, който се съдържа в
обекта от производния клас.
Manager::Manager(string n, double sal, string dept)
Employee(n, sal)
{ department = dept; }
Ако в базовия и в производния класове има функции с едно и също
име (напр. print()), то викането на член-функция
на базовия клас от функция на производния клас става с помощта на
операция "принадлежност към клас" (::).
void Manager::print()
cout <<
// manager.cpp
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class Employee {
Employee(string emp_name, double
void set_salary(double new_salary);
string get_name() const;
double get_salary() const;
void print() const;
string name;
double salary;
class Manager : public Employee {
Manager(string n, double sal, string
string get_department() const;
void print() const;
string department;
int main()
Employee harry("Harry", 500);
cout << harry.get_salary()
<< endl;
Manager nino("Nino", 670, "Computer
cout << nino.get_salary()
<< " "
nino.get_department() << endl;
return 0;
Employee::Employee(string emp_name, double init_salary)
name = emp_name;
salary = init_salary;
void Employee::set_salary(double new_salary)
salary = new_salary;
string Employee::get_name() const
return name;
double Employee::get_salary() const
return salary;
void Employee::print() const
cout << get_name() << " "
<< salary << endl;
Manager::Manager(string n, double sal, string dept)
: Employee(n, sal)
department = dept;
string Manager::get_department() const
return department;
void Manager::print() const
cout << department <<
Harry 550 550 Nino 1200 Computer Science 1200 Computer Science |
// clock1.cpp}
#include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <string> using namespace std; #include "ccc_time.h" class Clock { public: /** Constructs a clock that can tell the local time. @param use_military true if the clock uses military format (21:05) and
flase if the clock uses "am/pm" format (9:05 pm) */ Clock(bool use_military); /** Gets the location of this clock. @return the location */ string get_location() const; /** Gets the hours of this clock. @return the hours, in military or am/pm format */ int get_hours() const; /** Gets the minutes of this clock. @return the minutes */ int get_minutes() const; /** Checks whether this clock uses miltary format. @return true if miltary format */ bool is_military() const; private: bool military; }; Clock::Clock(bool use_military) { military = use_military; } string Clock::get_location() const { return "Local"; } int Clock::get_hours() const { Time now; int hours = now.get_hours(); if (military) return hours; if (hours == 0) return 12; else if (hours > 12) return hours - 12; else return hours; } int Clock::get_minutes() const { Time now; return now.get_minutes(); } bool Clock::is_military() const { return military; } int main() { Clock clock1(true); Clock clock2(false); bool more = true; while (more) { cout << "Military time: " << clock1.get_hours() << ":" << setw(2) << setfill('0')
<< clock1.get_minutes()
<< setfill(' ') << "\n"; cout << "am/pm time: " << clock2.get_hours() << ":" << setw(2) << setfill('0')
<< clock2.get_minutes()
<< setfill(' ') << "\n"; cout << "Try again? (y/n) "; string input; getline(cin, input); if (input != "y") more = false; } return 0;
nkirov@cpp % c++
clocks1.cpp ccc_time.cpp nkirov@cpp % ./a.out Military time is 9:33 am/pm time is 9:33 Try again? (y/n) y Military time is 9:33 am/pm time is 9:33 Try again? (y/n) n nkirov@cpp % |
TravelClock clock("London", -2);Обект от TravelClock (производния клас) има 3 разлики с обект от Clock:
cout << "The time in " << clock.get_location() << " is "
<< clock.get_hours() << ":" << clock.get_minutes();
class TravelClock : public Clock {
TravelClock(bool mil, string loc, double off);
int get_hours() const;
string get_location() const;
string location;
int time_difference;
TravelClock::TravelClock(bool mil, string loc, int diff)Ако не се извика конструктора на базовия клас, обектът от производния клас се създава като автоматично (неявно) се вика конструктора по подразбиране на базовия клас.
: Clock(mil)
{ location = loc;
time_difference = diff;
while (time_difference < 0)
time_difference = time_difference + 24;
int TravelClock::get_hours() const
{ . . .
int h = Clock::get_hours(); /* calls base-class function */
. . .
// clock2.cpp
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
#include "ccc_time.h"
class Clock {
Clock(bool use_military);
string get_location() const;
int get_hours() const;
int get_minutes() const;
bool is_military() const;
bool military;
Clock::Clock(bool use_military)
{ military = use_military; }
string Clock::get_location() const
{ return "Local"; }
int Clock::get_hours() const
{ Time now;
int hours = now.get_hours();
if (military) return hours;
if (hours == 0) return 12;
else if (hours > 12) return hours - 12;
else return hours;
int Clock::get_minutes() const
{ Time now;
return now.get_minutes();
bool Clock::is_military() const
{ return military; }
class TravelClock : public Clock {
Constructs a travel clock that can tell the time
at a specified location
@param mil true if the clock uses military format
@param loc the location
@param diff the time difference from the local time
TravelClock(bool mil, string loc, int diff);
string get_location() const;
int get_hours() const;
string location;
int time_difference;
TravelClock::TravelClock(bool mil, string loc, int diff)
: Clock(mil)
{ location = loc;
time_difference = diff;
while (time_difference < 0)
time_difference = time_difference + 24;
string TravelClock::get_location() const
{ return location; }
int TravelClock::get_hours() const
{ int h = Clock::get_hours();
if (is_military())
return (h + time_difference) % 24;
{ h = (h + time_difference) % 12;
if (h == 0) return 12;
else return h;
int main()
Clock clock1(true);
cout << clock1.get_location() << " time: "
<< clock1.get_hours() << ":"
<< setw(2) << setfill('0')
<< clock1.get_minutes()
<< setfill(' ') << "\n";
TravelClock clock2(true, "Rome", -1);
cout << clock2.get_location() << " time: "
<< clock2.get_hours() << ":"
<< setw(2) << setfill('0')
<< clock2.get_minutes()
<< setfill(' ') << "\n";
TravelClock clock3(false, "Tokyo", 5);
cout << clock3.get_location() << " time: "
<< clock3.get_hours() << ":"
<< setw(2) << setfill('0')
<< clock3.get_minutes()
<< setfill(' ') << "\n";
return 0;
Local time is 9:36 Rome time is 8:36 Tokyo time is 2:36 |
vector<Clock> clocks(3);[ clocks2a.cpp ]
/* populate clocks */
clocks[0] = Clock(true);
clocks[1] = TravelClock(true, "Rome", -1);
clocks[2] = TravelClock(false, "Tokyo", 5);
for (int i = 0; i < clocks.size(); i++)
cout << clocks[i].get_location() << " time: "
<< clocks[i].get_hours() << ":"
<< setw(2) << setfill('0')
<< clocks[i].get_minutes()
<< setfill(' ') << "\n";
Local time is 21:15 |
vector<Clock*> clocks(3);Векторът clocks съдържа колекция от различни часовници - указатели към обекти от различни класове. Такава колекция се нарича полиморфна.
/* populate clocks */
clocks[0] = new Clock(true);
clocks[1] = new TravelClock(true, "Rome", -1);
clocks[2] = new TravelClock(false, "Tokyo", 5);
for (int i = 0; i < clocks.size(); i++)
cout << clocks[i]->get_location() << " time: "
<< clocks[i]->get_hours() << ":"
<< setw(2) << setfill('0')
<< clocks[i]->get_minutes()
<< setfill(' ') << "\n";
Local time is 21:15 |
class Clock {Програмата с динамично свързване:
Clock(bool use_military);
virtual string get_location() const;
virtual int get_hours() const;
int get_minutes() const;
bool is_military() const;
. . .
// clocks3.cpp
#include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <string> #include <vector> using namespace std; #include "ccc_time.h" class Clock { public: Clock(bool use_military); virtual string get_location() const; virtual int get_hours() const; int get_minutes() const; bool is_military() const; private: bool military; }; Clock::Clock(bool use_military) { military = use_military; } string Clock::get_location() const { return "Local"; } int Clock::get_hours() const { Time now; int hours = now.get_hours(); if (military) return hours; if (hours == 0) return 12; else if (hours > 12) return hours - 12; else return hours; } int Clock::get_minutes() const { Time now; return now.get_minutes(); } bool Clock::is_military() const { return military; } class TravelClock : public Clock { public: TravelClock(bool mil, string loc, int diff); string get_location() const; int get_hours() const; private: string location; int time_difference; }; TravelClock::TravelClock(bool mil, string loc, int diff) : Clock(mil) { location = loc; time_difference = diff; while (time_difference < 0)
time_difference = time_difference + 24; } string TravelClock::get_location() const { return location; } int TravelClock::get_hours() const { int h = Clock::get_hours(); if (is_military()) return (h + time_difference) % 24; else { h = (h + time_difference) % 12; if (h == 0) return 12; else return h; } } int main() { vector<Clock*> clocks(3); clocks[0] = new Clock(true); clocks[1] = new TravelClock(true, "Rome", -1); clocks[2] = new TravelClock(false, "Tokyo", 5); for (int i = 0; i < clocks.size(); i++) { cout << clocks[i]->get_location() << " time: "
<< clocks[i]->get_hours() << ":" << setw(2) << setfill('0')
<< clocks[i]->get_minutes()
<< setfill(' ') << "\n"; } return 0; }
Local time is 18:07 Rome time is 17:07 Tokyo time is 11:07 |