11. Управление на паметта

Управление на паметта
Операция присвояване
Конструктор за копиране

** Необходимост от управление на паметта
Ще разгледаме примера от Указатели за използване на указател в клас - department.cpp.
// department0.cpp
<string> #include <iostream> using namespace std; #include "ccc_empl.h" /**
A department in an organization. */ class Department { public: Department(string n); void set_receptionist(Employee* e); void print() const; private: string name; Employee* receptionist; }; /** Constructs a department with a given name. @param n the department name */ Department::Department(string n) { name = n; receptionist = NULL; } /** Sets the receptionist for this department. @param e the receptionist */ void Department::set_receptionist(Employee* e) { receptionist = e; } /** Prints a description of this department. */ void Department::print() const { cout << "Name: " << name << "\n" << "Receptionist: "; if (receptionist == NULL) cout << "None"; else cout << receptionist->get_name() << " " << receptionist->get_salary(); cout << "\n"; } int main() { Department shipping("Shipping"); Department qc("Quality Control"); Employee* harry = new Employee("Hacker, Harry", 45000); shipping.
receptionist(harry); Employee* tina = new Employee("Tester, Tina", 50000); qc.set_receptionist(tina); tina->set_salary(55000); shipping.print(); qc.print();
delete harry;
delete tina;  
 return 0; }
Променяме конструктора на класа, като там конструираме обект - член-данна на класа.
class Department {
private: string name;
Employee* receptionist;

Department::Department(string n, Employee e)
name = n; receptionist = new Employee(e.get_name(), e.get_salary());

/* second constructor */
Department::Department(string n)
name = n;
receptionist = NULL;

** Деструктор

Деструктор е специална член-функция, която се извиква автоматично когато обектът излезе от обхват.
Деструкторът на класа Department трябва да унищожи създадения от конструктора обект:

{ delete receptionist;

** Предефиниране на операция присвояване

Нека имаме следните дефиниции:

Department qc("Quality Control", Employee("Tester, Tina", 50000));
Department dept("Shipping", Employee("Hacker, Harry", 35000));

и след това приложим операция присвояване (почленно копиране):

dept = qc;

1. Това присвояване води до загуба на памет (memory leak) - имаме недостъпен обект (от тип Employee)!
2. Когато един от обектите (qc или dept) излезе от обхват (и изтрие обекта), получаваме висящ указател (dangling pointer)!

Затова трябва да предефинираме операция присвояване за обекти от класа Employee

Department& Department::operator=(const Department& b)
{ if (this != &b)
{ name = b.name;
delete receptionist;
if (b.receptionist == NULL) receptionist == NULL;
receptionist = new Employee(b.receptionist->get_name(),
return *this;

- Променяме данните, които не са указатели (в случая name) от обект b в обект *this;
- Изтриваме указателя receptionist от *this (текущия обект) и
- Създаваме нов обект от тип Employee за *this, копие на обекта *receptionist от параметъра (десния аргумент на операцията) b

Функцията за предефиниране трябва да е член-функция (защо?).

** Конструктор за копиране

Предназначението на операция присвояване е да промени съществуващ обект, като го направи същия като друг обект и не е подходяща за конструиране на нов обект.
Например в оператора за дефиниране на обект:

Department dept = qc; // not assignment operator!

не може да се използва (и не е!) операция присвояване.
Правилното конструиране на обект, копие на друг обект е:

Department dept(qc);

т.е. като се извика конструктор за копиране.
За всеки клас в езика С++ има такъв конструктор, но той действа с почленно копиране и възникава същия проблем, както при операция присвояване.
Решението е да се напише конструктор за копиране:

Department::Department(const Department& b)
{ name = b.name;
if (b.receptionist == NULL) receptionist = NULL;
receptionist = new Employee(b.receptionist->get_name(),

Конструктор за копиране се вика и когато се предава параметър-стойност на функция, напр.

void print(Department d)
{ ... }

Department dep("Administration")


// department.cpp
001: #include <string> 002: #include <iostream> 004: using namespace std; 005: 006: #include "ccc_empl.h" 008: /** 009: A department in an organization. 010: */ 011: class Department { 013: public: 014: Department(string n); 015: Department(string n, Employee e); 016: ~Department(); 017: Department& operator=(const Department& b); 018: Department(const Department& b); 019: void print() const; 020: private: 021: string name; 022: Employee* receptionist; 023: }; 024: 025: /** 026: Constructs a department with a given name and no receptionist. 027: @param n the department name 028: */ 029: Department::Department(string n) 030: { name = n; 032: receptionist = NULL; 034: cout << "Constructor: "; 035: print(); 036: } 037: 038: /** 039: Constructs a department with a given name and receptionist. 040: @param n the department name 041: @param e the receptionist 042: */ 043: Department::Department(string n, Employee e) 044: { name = n; 046: receptionist = new Employee(e.get_name(), e.get_salary()); 048: cout << "Constructor: "; 049: print(); 050: } 051: 052: /** 053: Deletes the Employee object that this Department 054: object manages. 055: */ 056: Department::~Department() 057: { cout << "Destructor: "; 059: print(); 061: delete receptionist;
062: } 063: 064: /** 065: Constructs a Department object as a copy of another 066: Department object. 067: @param b the object to copy 068: */ 069: Department::Department(const Department& b) 070: { cout << "Copy constructor: "; 072: b.print(); 073: 074: name = b.name; 075: if (b.receptionist == NULL) receptionist = NULL; 077: else 078: receptionist = new Employee(b.receptionist->get_name(), 079: b.receptionist->get_salary()); 080: } 081: 082: /** 083: Sets this Department object to a copy of another 084: Department object. 085: @param b the object to copy 086: */ 087: Department& Department::operator=(const Department& b) 088: { cout << "Assignment: "; 090: print(); 091: cout << "= "; 092: b.print(); 093: 094: if (this != & b) 095: { name = b.name; 097: delete receptionist; 098: if (b.receptionist == NULL) receptionist = NULL; 100: else 101: receptionist = new Employee(b.receptionist->get_name(), 102: b.receptionist->get_salary()); 103: } 104: return *this; 105: } 106: 107: /** 108: Prints a description of this department. 109: */ 110: void Department::print() const 111: { cout << "[name=" << name << ",receptionist="; 113: if (receptionist == NULL) cout << "NULL"; 115: else cout << receptionist->get_name(); 117: cout << "]\n"; 118: } 119: 120: int main() 121: { Department shipping("Shipping"); 123: Department qc("Quality Control",
124: Employee("Tester, Tina", 50000)); 125: Department dept(qc);
126: dept = shipping; 127: return 0; 128: }
Когато използваме указатели (и динамична памет) в данните на клас, винаги трябва да дефинираме "големите три":
Клас List за реализациа на свързан списък (list2.cpp):

// list0.cpp
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <cassert>
using namespace std;

/* forward declarations */
class List;
class Iterator;

/** A class to hold the nodes of the linked list.  */
class Node {
/** Constructs a node for a given data value.
       @param s the data to store in this node  */
   Node(string s);
   string data;
   Node* previous;
   Node* next;
friend class List;
friend class Iterator;
/** An iterator denotes a position in the list or
    past the end of the list.  */
class Iterator {
/** Constructs an iterator that is not attached to any list.  */

/** Looks up the value at a position.
       @return the value of the Node to which the iterator
       points   */
   string operator*() const;

/** Advances the iterator to the next position.   */
   void operator++(int dummy);

/** Moves the iterator to the previous position.   */
   void operator--(int dummy);

/** Compares two iterators.
       @param b the iterator to compare with this iterator
       @return true if this iterator and b are equal   */
   bool operator==(Iterator b) const;

/** Compares two iterators.
       @param b the iterator to compare with this iterator
       @return true if this iterator and b are not equal   */
   bool operator!=(Iterator b) const;
   Node* position;
   Node* last;
friend class List;

/** A linked list of values of a given type.
    @param T the type of the list values  */
class List {
/** Constructs an empty list.  */

/** Constructs a list as a copy of another list.
       @param b the list to copy  */
   List(const List& b);

/** Deletes all nodes of this list.   */

    /** Assigns another list to this list.
       @param b the list to assign
       @return a reference to this list  */
   List& operator=(const List& b);

/** Appends an element to the list.
       @param s the value to append  */
   void push_back(string s);

/** Inserts an element into the list.
       @param iter the position before which to insert
       @param s the value to append  */
   void insert(Iterator iter, string s);

/** Removes an element from the list.
       @param i the position to remove
       @return an iterator pointing to the element after the
       erased element  */
   Iterator erase(Iterator i);

/** Gets the beginning position of the list.
       @return an iterator pointing to the beginning of the list  */
   Iterator begin() const;

/** Gets the past-the-end position of the list.
       @return an iterator pointing past the end of the list  */
Iterator end() const;

/** Copies another list to this list.
       @param b the list to copy  */
   void copy(const List& b);

/** Deletes all nodes of this list.   */
   void free();

   Node* first;
   Node* last;

{  first = NULL;
   last = NULL;

{  free();

List::List(const List& b)
{  first = NULL;
   last = NULL;

List& List::operator=(const List& b)
{  if (this != &b)
   {  free();
   return *this;

void List::push_back(string s)
{  Node* newnode = new Node(s);
   if (last == NULL) /* list is empty */
   {  first = newnode;
      last = newnode;
   {  newnode->previous = last;
      last->next = newnode;
      last = newnode;

void List::insert(Iterator iter, string s)
{  if (iter.position == NULL)
   {  push_back(s);

   Node* after = iter.position;
   Node* before = after->previous;
   Node* newnode = new Node(s);
   newnode->previous = before;
   newnode->next = after;
   after->previous = newnode;
   if (before == NULL) /* insert at beginning */
      first = newnode;
      before->next = newnode;

Iterator List::erase(Iterator i)
{  Iterator iter = i;
   assert(iter.position != NULL);
   Node* remove = iter.position;
   Node* before = remove->previous;
   Node* after = remove->next;
   if (remove == first) first = after;
   else before->next = after;
   if (remove == last) last = before;
   else after->previous = before;
   iter.position = after;
   delete remove;
   return iter;

Iterator List::begin() const
{  Iterator iter;
   iter.position = first;
   iter.last = last;
   return iter;

Iterator List::end() const
{  Iterator iter;
   iter.position = NULL;
   iter.last = last;
   return iter;

{  position = NULL;
   last = NULL;

string Iterator::operator*() const
{  assert(position != NULL);
   return position->data;

void Iterator::operator++(int dummy)
{  assert(position != NULL);
   position = position->next;

void Iterator::operator--(int dummy)
{  if (position == NULL) position = last;
   else position = position->previous;
   assert(position != NULL);

bool Iterator::operator==(Iterator b) const
{  return position == b.position;

bool Iterator::operator!=(Iterator b) const
{  return position != b.position;

Node::Node(string s)
{  data = s;
   previous = NULL;
   next = NULL;

void List::copy(const List& b)
{  for (Iterator p = b.begin(); p != b.end(); p++)

void List::free()
{  while (begin() != end())

int main()
{  List staff;

   staff.push_back("Cracker, Carl");
   staff.push_back("Hacker, Harry");
   staff.push_back("Lam, Larry");
   staff.push_back("Sandman, Susan");

   /* add a value in fourth place */
   Iterator pos;
   pos = staff.begin();

   staff.insert(pos, "Reindeer, Rudolf");

   /* remove the value in second place */
   pos = staff.begin();


/* print all values */
   for (pos = staff.begin(); pos != staff.end(); pos++)
      cout << *pos << "\n";

   return 0;