The questions of Final Test
correct (yes) and one incorrect (no)
Mark correct/incorrect assertions about asymptotic notation for the
following functions.
(yes) 2n +
3n2 is O(n2)
(no) n
+ n2 is O(n)
Let us have a deque ADT D = (8,1,3). The front element is 8. For a deque operation,
determine its return value and its effect on D.
(yes) insertFirst(5) - NONE
- D = (5,8,1,3)
(no) size() - 2 - D = (1,3)
Mark the correct/incorrect
definitions and assertions about linear data structures.
(yes) A linear sequence that support access to its elements by
their ranges is called a vector.
(no) A linear sequence that support access to
its elements by their positions is called a vector.
Mark the
correct/incorrect definitions and assertions about trees.
(yes) A node is internal if it has one or more children.
(no) A node is internal if it has no children.
Let us have an ordered tree ADT in
parenthetic string representation T=A(B(H,E(I,J),F),C(G),D). Is the given sequence a part of the sequence of
nodes, obtained in preorder traversal of the tree?
(yes) ABH
(no) EB
Let us have a binary tree in parenthetic
string representation. Is the given sequence a part of the
sequence of nodes, obtained in inorder
traversal of this binary tree?
(yes) c(b(a,d),e); bdc
(no) d(e,c(g,a(f,b))); cfb
Create a
binary tree representation of the given arithmetic expression and check that the
sequence x2y is a
part of the postorder traversal.
(yes) (x+2*(y-2))/2
(no) (x-2)*y
A simple open addressing
strategy for collision handling in
hash tables is linear
probing. Let us have a bucket array A = {35,14,D,21,E,12,E}
with capacity N = 7,
where E means
"empty" and D means
"deattached" (or "available") item. The hash function is h(k) = k
mod 7. Find the correct/incorrect correspondence, where -> means "is
equivalent to".
(yes) insrtItem(7) ->
A[2] = 7
(no) insrtItem(38) ->
A[3] = 38
Let us have the vector representation of a
heap. Guess the correct representation after applying the method
InsertItem(1), denoted by I
or removeMin(), denoted by R.
(yes) I 2,4,5 -> 1,2,5,4
(no) I 2,4,5
-> 1,2,4,5
Mark the correct/incorrect
definitions and assertions about search
(yes) Keys stored at nodes in the left subtree of a node v (of a search tree) are less then or
equal to the key at v.
(no) Each internal node of a (2,4)
tree has at least four children.
Let us have an
AVL tree ADT in
parenthetic string representation
External nodes are not included in this representation. Determine
the correct/incorrect resulting AVL tree after applying the
corresponding operation.
(yes) insertItem(54)
(no) insertItem(54)
Class BinarySearchTree
contains the following member function (Code Fragment 9.3):
void setItem(const
BTPosition& p,
const BSTItem& i) const
Mark the correct/incorrect assertions about this function.
(yes) This function places an Item of BST (dictionary) at position
p in a LinkedBinaryTree.
(no) Replacing /*add*/ with Item<Key,
Element> ii = i; is a
syntax error.
Look at the part of the
realization of the AVL trees, given in Code Fragment:
AVLTree1 and define the following statements as "true" or
(yes) Every object of class AVLTree<K,E> is an
object of class BinarySearchTree<K,E,Item<K,E> >.
(no) The function height(p) returns the height of the
binary tree.
Let us have a (2,4) tree ADT in parenthetic
string representation T={12}({3,6,9},{15}).
External nodes are not included in this representation. Determine
the correct/incorrect resulting (2,4) tree after applying the
corresponding operation.
(yes) insertItem(1) -
(no) insertItem(1) -
Let us have a red-black tree ADT in parenthetic string
representation, where black
nodes are bold, and red nodes are italic. External nodes are
not included in this representation. Determine the
correct/incorrect resulting red-black tree after applying the
corresponding operation.
(yes) 6(8) - insertItem(7) - 7(6,8)
(no) 6(8) - insertItem(9) - 6(8,9)