Code Fragment: Item

template <typename Key, typename Element>
class Item {					// a (key, element) pair
  Key	    _key;				// key value
  Element   _elem;				// element
  Item(const Key& k = Key(), const Element& e = Element())
    : _key(k), _elem(e) { }			// constructor
  const Key& key() const 			// gets the key (read only)
    { return _key; }
  Element& element()				// gets the element
    { return _elem; }
  const Element& element() const 		// gets the element (read only)
    { return _elem; }
  void setKey(const Key& k)			// sets the key value
    { _key = k; }
  void setElement(const Element& e)		// sets the element
    { _elem = e; }