Chapter 13: Lists, Stacks, and Queues
Lecture Goal
- To be able to write programs with standard
lists and iterators
- To understand the advantages and disadvantages
of the list data structure
- To be able to implement linked lists
Linked Lists
Suppose you are maintaining a vector of sorted
objects (such as employees)
- Many elements will need to be shifted back
if an new object is inserted in the middle.
- Many elements will need to be shifted
forward if an object is deleted from the middle.
- Moving a large number of records can involve a
substantial amount of computer time - O(n) time.
- Rather than store a sequence of values in one
long block of memory (like a vector or an array) a linked list stores each
value in its own memory block, together with the locations of
the neighboring blocks in the sequence.
- Inserting an element into a list now requires
no shifting, merely reassigning new locations to adjacent
objects - O(1) time.
- Removing an element from the list doesn't
require shifts either - O(1)
The standard C++ library has an implementation
of the linked list structure.
First we will learn how to use the
standard list.
- Later we will find out how to implement
- Doubly
linked lists (as shown in the illustrations) have
links going in both directions.
linked lists only link elements in one direction.
- Just like the vector, the standard list is a
- You can use push_back to add
elements to the list.
list<string> staff;
staff.push_back("Cracker, Carl");
staff.push_back("Hacker, Harry");
staff.push_back("Lam, Larry");
staff.push_back("Sandman, Susan");
- You cannot
directly access elements using subscript access (e.g. staff[3])
- the values are not stored in one contiguous block in memory
and there is no fast way to access them.
Instead you must start at the beginning of the
list, and visit each element in turn using a list iterator.
An iterator marks a position
in the list.
list<string>::iterator pos;
pos = staff.begin();
- To move an iterator forward in the list, use
the ++ operator.
- To move an iterator backward in the list, use
the -- operator.
- You can find the value that is stored in the
position with the * operator.
string value = *pos;
- The value *pos represent the value
that is stored in the list.
*pos = "Van Dyck, Vicki"; // assign a value
pos = staff.begin(); // assign a position
- To insert another string before the iterator
position, use the insert function.
staff.insert(pos, "Reindeer, Rudolph");
- Each list has an end position that does not
correspond to any value in the list but that points past the
list's end.
pos = staff.end(); /* points past the end of the list */
staff.insert(pos, "Yaglov, Yvonne");
/* insert past the end of list */
- The end position does not point to any value,
so you cannot look up the value at that position.
string value = *(staff.end()); /* ERROR */
- Compare to accessing s[10] in a
vector with 10 elements.
- The end position is useful for stopping a
traversal of the list.
pos = staff.begin();
while (pos != staff.end())
{ cout << *pos << "\n";
- The traversal can be described more concisely
with a for loop:
for (pos = staff.begin(); pos != staff.end(); pos++)
cout << *pos << "\n";
- Compare this to a traversal of a vector.
for (i = 0; i < s.size(); i++)
cout << s[i] << "\n";
- To remove an element from a list, you move an
iterator to the position you want to remove, then call the
erase function.
pos = staff.begin();
Implementing Linked Lists (The Classes for Lists, Nodes, and
- We will start with a linked list of strings.
- A linked list stores each value in a separate
object called a node.
class Node {
Node(string s);
string data;
Node* previous;
Node* next;
friend class List;
friend class Iterator;
- The friend declarations indicate the
List and Iterator member functions are
allowed to inspect and modify the data members of the Node
- A class should not grant friendship to another
class lightly, because it breaks the privacy protection.
- The list object holds the locations of the
first and last nodes in the list.
class List {
void push_back(string s);
void insert(Iterator pos, string s);
Iterator erase(Iterator pos);
Iterator begin();
Iterator end();
Node* first;
Node* last;
- When the list is empty the first and last
pointers are NULL.
- A list object stores no data; it just knows
where to find the node objects that store the list contents.
An iterator denotes a position in the list.
class Iterator {
string get() const; /* use instead of * */
void next(); /* use instead of ++ */
void previous(); /* use instead of -- */
bool equals(Iterator b) const; /* use instead of == */
Node* position;
Node* last;
friend class List;
- We will enable the operators ++, --,
* and == in the next chapter.
- If the iterator points past the end of the
list, then the position pointer is NULL.
The iterator stores a pointer to the last
element of the list, so that the previous method can move the iterator back from the
past-the-end position to the last element of the list.
Implementing Linked Lists (Implementing Iterators)
Iterators are created by the begin and end
functions of the List class.
Iterator List::begin() {
Iterator iter;
iter.position = first;
iter.last = last;
return iter;
Iterator List::end() {
Iterator iter;
iter.position = NULL;
iter.last = last;
return iter;
The next function advances the iterator to the next
- Note that it is illegal to advance the
iterator once it is in the past-the-end position.
void Iterator::next()
{ assert(position != NULL)
position = position->next;
The previous function is similar.
- When the iterator points to the first element
in the list, it is illegal to move it further backward.
void Iterator::previous()
{ if (position == NULL) position = last;
else position = position->previous;
assert(position != NULL);
The get function simply returns the data value of the node
to which position points.
string Iterator::get() const
{ assert(position != NULL);
return position->data;
The equals function compares two position pointers.
bool Iterator::equals(Iterator b) const
{ return position == b.position; }
Implementing Linked Lists (Implementing Insertion and Removal)
- For the push_back function, we must
first make a new node.
Node* newnode = new Node(s);
- The node must point back to the old end of the
list, while the old end must point to it.
newnode->previous = last; // (1)
last->next = newnode; // (2)
last = newnode; // (3) !
- There is a special case when last is NULL
(the list is empty).
if (last == NULL)
{ first = newnode;
last = newnode;
- The complete member-function:
void List::push_back(string s)
{ Node* newnode = new Node(s);
if (last == NULL) /* list is empty */
{ first = newnode;
last = newnode;
{ newnode->previous = last;
last->next = newnode;
last = newnode;
- To insert
an element in the middle of the list requires manipulating
both elements on either side of the new node.
- There is a special case when the list is
if (iter.position == NULL)
{ push_back(s);
- Otherwise we create pointers to track the
surrounding nodes.
Node* after = iter.position;
Node* before = after->previous;
- We tell the new node where it belongs in the
newnode->previous = before; // (1)
newnode->next = after; // (2)
- Then update the surrounding nodes.
after->previous = newnode; // (3)
if (before == NULL) /* insert at beginning */
first = newnode;
before->next = newnode; // (4)
- When know that after is not NULL,
but before could be.
- As with insertion, we will need to work with
both the element before and after the one to be removed.
Of course we cannot remove a node that is not
assert(iter.position != NULL)
We create pointers to track all three nodes we
need to work with.
Node* remove = iter.position;
Node* before = remove->previous;
Node* after = remove->next;
We disconnect the node to be removed from the one
before it; note the special case when we delete from the front
of the list.
if (remove == first) first = after;
else before->next = after;
We repeat the process with the node after the one
to delete.
if (remove == last) last = before;
else after->previous = before;
Finally we delete the node.
delete remove;
Implementing Linked Lists (list2.cpp)