The questions of Final Test

with two model answers - one correct (yes) and one incorrect (no)

Mark the syntax correct/incorrect definition statements.
(yes) int dimes = 3;
(no) pennies = 1;

Mark the arithmetic expressions which have double type of the result. Assume that the following definitions are given:
    const int n = 66;
    double zen = 6.6;
(yes) zen - n/3
(no) n%3 + 12

We have the following variable definitions:
  int ten = 10;
  int nine = 9;
  int eight = 8;
Calculate the expression and write the result.
(yes) ten / nine <= 1
(no) ten / nine / 2 > 0

Is the following relation true? For comparing the characters use ASCII table.
(yes)"Harry" < "Hurry"
(no) 8 < -5

We have the following function declaration:
    int verb(double& x, const double y);
Mark the correct/incorrect statements. We suppose that a double variable mode is defined and initialized with 0.0.
(yes) cout << verb(mode, 2.5);
(no) cout << verb(0, 2.5);

We have the following function definition:
int h(int n, int m)
    if (n > 10 && m < 10) return n / m;

    return n * m;
Does the statement prints out a number, which is greater than 10?
(yes) cout << h(2, 20);
(no) cout << h(12, 2);

Mark with "yes" infinite loops and with "no" finite loops. The value of the integer variable hoh is obtained from the input stream.
(yes) do hoh++; while (hoh != 0 || hoh == 0);
(no) do hoh--; while(hoh > 100);

Mark with "yes" the statements in which the loop body executes exactly once. The integer variable pink has value 1.
(yes) while(
pink == 1) pink--;
(no) while(false)

We have the following variable definitions:
  string num = "2010";
  const string ABC = "abc";
Mark the syntax correct/incorrect statements.
(yes) cout << num.substr(0,2);
(no) cout << length(ABC);

Mark the syntax correct/incorrect loop statements. Variables k and i have int type.
(yes) for(i = -1; i < 4; t++) cout << i;
(no) for{k = 1; k < 10; k++} cout << k*i;

Mark with "yes" the equivalent logical expressions (1) and (2).
(yes) (1) mouse == "Jerry" && cat != "Sylvester"
            (2) ! (mouse != "Jerry" || cat == "Sylvester")
(no) (1) mouse == "Jerry" && cat != "Tom"
         (2) ! (mouse != "Jerry" && cat == "Tom")

Mark the correct/incorrect assertions about vectors.
(yes) A vector is a collection of data items of the same type.
(no) The statement vector<int> b[2]; defines a vector of two elements.

We have a vector and values of its elements:
  vector<int> sol(2);
  sol[0] = 1;
  sol[1] = 3;
Mark correct/incorrect statements.
(yes) cout << sol.size();
(no) cin >> sol.size();

We have the following main function:
    int main()
    {  int count = 0;
       string word;
       while (cin >> word) count++;
       cout << count << " words." << endl;
       return 0; 

Is the assertion true?
(yes) count is a variable name.
(no) int count = 0; is assignment statement.

Mark the correct/incorrect assertions about arrays.
(yes) An array element can be used like any variable.
(no) An array can be defined without a size parameter.