Chapter 2: Object-Oriented Design

2.1 Goals and Principles

2.1.1 Object-Oriented Design Goals

2.1.2 Object-Oriented Design Principles

2.2 Inheritance and Polymorphism

2.2.1 Inheritance in C++

Inheritance allows the design of generic classes that can be specialized to more particular classes, with the specialized classes reusing the code from the generic class.
class Person {       // base class  
string name; // name
string ssn; // social security number
void print(); // print data
string getName(); // retrieve name
class Student : public Person { // derived class
string major; // major subject
int gradYear; // graduate year
void print(); // print data
void changeMajor(string newMajor); // change major
Member Functions
Person person(...);       // define a person 
Student student(...); // define a student
cout << student.getName();// invokes Person::getName()
person.print(); // invokes Person::print();
student.print(); // invokes Student::print();
person.changeMajor("Math"); // ERROR!
student.changeMajor("Math"); // OK
void Person::print() // definition of Person print
{ cout << name << " " << ssn; }
void Student::print() // definition of Student print
{ Person::print(); // first print Person data
cout << major << gradYear;

Illustrating Class Protection

class Base {
int priv;
int prot;
int publ;
class Derived: public Base {
void someMemberFunction()
{ cout << priv; // ERROR: private member
cout << prot; // OK
cout << publ; // OK
class Unrelated {
Base X;
void anotherMemberFunction()
{ cout << X.priv; // ERROR: private member
cout << X.prot; // ERROR: protected member
cout << X.publ; // OK

Constructors and Destructors

Person::Person(const string &nm, const string &ss)  
: name(nm), ssn(ss) {} // initializer list
Student::Student(const string &nm, const string &ss,
const string &maj, int year)
: Person(nm, ss), // initialize Person data members
major(maj), // initialize member
gradYear(year) {} // initialize gradYear
Person::~Person() // Person destructor
{ ... }
Student::~Student() // Student destructor
{ ... }
Student* s = new Student(...);
delete s; // calls ~Student() then ~Person()
Static Binding

Person* pp[100];  
pp[0] = new Person(...);
pp[1] = new Student(...);

cout << pp[1]->getName(); // OK
pp[0]->print(); // calls Person::print()
pp[1]->print(); // calls Person::print()
pp[1]->changeMajor(...); // ERROR!

Dynamic Binding and Virtual Functions

class Person {       // base class  
virtual void print(); // print data
class Student : public Person { // derived class
virtual void print(); // print data
Person* pp[100];
pp[0] = new Person(...);
pp[1] = new Student(...);

pp[0]->print(); // calls Person::print()
pp[1]->print(); // calls Student::print()
pp[1]->changeMajor(...); // OK

Virtual Destructors

If a class defines any virtual functions, it should define a virtual destructor, even if it is empty.
delete [] pp;

2.2.2 Polymorphism

The ability of a variable to take different types!

2.3 Templates

2.3.1 Function Templates

2.3.2 Class Templates

template <typename Object>
class BasicVector {
Object* a; // array storing an element
int capacity; // length of array a
BasicVector(int cap = 10) // constructor
{ capacity = cap;
a = new Object[capacity];// allocate array storage
Object& elemAtRank(int r) // access element at index r
{ return a[r]; }
// ...
BasicVector<int> iv(5);     // vector of 5 integers
BasicVector<double> dv(20); // vector of 20 doubles
BasicVector<string> sv(10); // vector of 10 strings
iv.elemAtRank(3) = 8; // iv[3] = 8;
dv.elemAtRank(14) = 2.5; // dv[14] = 2.5
sv.elemAtRank(7) = "hello"; // sv[7] = "hello"

2.4 Exceptions

Exceptions are unexpected events that occur during the execution of a program.

2.4.1 Exception Objects

Using Inheritance to Define New Exception Types

class MathException {  // generic math exception
string errMsg; // error message
MathException(const string& err) { errMsg = err; }
class ZeroDivisionException : public MathException {
ZeroDivisionException(const string& err)
: MathException(err) {}
class NegativeRootException : public MathException {
NegativeRootException(const string& err)
: MathException(err) {}

2.4.2 Throwing and Catching Exceptions

try {
// ...
if (divisor == 0) throw ZeroDivisionException("Division by zero");
catch (ZeroDivisionException& zde)
{ // handle division by zero
catch (MathException& me)
{ // handle any math exception other than division by zero
Once execution of the catch block completes, control flow continues with the first statement after the last catch block.

2.4.3 Exception Specification

void calculator() throw(ZeroDivisionException, NegativeRootException)

void funct1(); // can throw any exception
void funct2() throw(); // can throw no exception

Generic Exception Class

class RuntimeException {  // generic run-time exception
string errorMsg;
RuntimeException(const string& err) { errorMsg = err; }
string getMessage() const { return errorMsg; }
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const RuntimeException& e)
{ return out << e.getMessage(); }