#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;

#include "ccc_time.h"

class Time_new : public Time {
int operator-(Time_new b) const;
Time_new operator+(int sec) const;
bool operator==(Time_new b) const;
bool operator!=(Time_new b) const;
Time_new operator++(); // prefix
Time_new operator++(int dummy); // postfix
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, Time_new a);

Compute the number of seconds between two points in time.
@param b another point in time
@return the number of seconds that a is away from b
int Time_new::operator-(Time_new b) const
{ return this->seconds_from(b);

Compute a point in time that is some number of seconds away.
@param sec the seconds to add
@return a point in time that is sec seconds away from a
Time_new Time_new::operator+(int sec) const
{ Time_new r = *this;
return r;

Compare two points in time
@param b another point in time
@return true if they are the same
bool Time_new::operator==(Time_new b) const
{ return this->seconds_from(b) == 0;

Compare two points in time.
@param b another point in time
@return true if they are the different
bool Time_new::operator!=(Time_new b) const
{ return !(*this == b);

Prefix increment by 1 second.
@return the new value
Time_new Time_new::operator++() // prefix
{ *this = *this + 1;
return *this;

Postfix increment by 1 second.
@return the old value

Time_new Time_new::operator++(int dummy) // postfix
{ Time_new t = *this;
*this = *this + 1;
return t;

Print a Time object
@param out an output stream
@param a a point in time
@return out
ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, Time_new a)
out << a.get_hours() << ":"
<< setw(2) << setfill('0')
<< a.get_minutes() << ":"
<< setw(2) << a.get_seconds() << setfill(' ');
return out;

int main()
Time_new now;
cout << "now: " << now << endl;
Time_new later = now + 1000;
cout << "later: " << later << endl;
Time_new now2;
if (now == now2)
cout << "now == now2: " << now2 << endl;
if (now != now2)
cout << "now != now2 " << now2 << endl;
cout << "now++: " << now++
<< " ++now2: " << ++now2 << endl;
cout << "now: " << now << " now2: " << now2 << endl;
cout << "later - now2: " << later - now2 << endl;
return 0;