NETB131 Programming Project
Programming language - Alef
An overview

Plamen Ivanov,F39852

History and Special Features

The Alef programming language was designed by Phil Winterbottom of Bell Labs as part of the Plan 9 operating system.
It is a concurrent, object oriented-supporting programming language designed for system software based on C.
Alef is currently abandoned and not widely used for a decade. Direct Accessor of Alef is said to be the "Limbo" language.

"Hello World" Program

#include <alef.h>
void main(void) {
print("Hello World\n");

Fundamental Data Types and Assignment Operators

A small set of types is defined by the language. More complex types may be derived from the basic types.

Name Size Type
byte 8 bits unsigned byte
sint 16 bits signed short integer
usint 16 bits unsigned short integer
int 32 bits signed integer
uint 32 bits unsigned integer
float 64 bits floating point
lint 64 bits long signed integer
ulint 64 bits unsigned long integer
chan 32 bits channel
poly 64 bits polymorphic

The assignment operator is "=". It assigns the value of a variable or expression on the right side to the variable on the left.

Assignment examples:

int a = 2; //Assigns the value 2 to the variable of type integer 'a'
float b = 2.2; //Assigns the value 2.2 to the variable of type float 'b'
byte* str = "Hello" //Alef style of string assignment
byte c = 'v' // Alef stlye of char assignment

Variables can be assigned also from a multiple return statement of a function


(int, byte* ,byte) func() {
void main(void) {
int a;
byte* str;
byte c;
(a,str,c)=func();//a will be 2,str-Hello,c-c

Basic Control Flow

Conditional Operators:

if(expression) { statement } else //optional to use {statement }
switch expression cbody
typeof expression cbody


int a=3;
if(a==3) {
print("a is 3");
}else {
print("a is not 3");

byte b='V';
switch b {
case 'V' :
print ("b has value V");
case 'C' :
print ("b has value C");
default :
print ("Unknown Value");

int a=3;
typeof a {
case int :
print ("a is of type int");
case float :
print ("a is of type float");
default :
print ("Unknown Type");

Loop Operators:

while(expression) { statement }
for(expression;expression;expression) { statement }


int i = 6;
while(i>2) {
} // This will print the numbers from 6 to 2;

for(int a=42;a<100;a++) {
}// This will print the numbers from 42 to 100;

Input an integer number n and output the sum: 1+22+32+...+n2. Use input validation for n to be positive.

#include <alef.h>
void main(void) {
int num;
int sum=0;
int i=0;
chan(int) kbd;
alloc kbd;
proc kbdproc(kbd);
if(num < 0) { terminate(nil);}
else {
while (i <= num) {
sum += i*i;


return type(s) function_name(param1,param2,param3...) { code }


(byte*,float) funcExample() {
print("Hi from example function");
return ("SomeText",3.14);


The dimension of an array must be non-zero positive constant. Arrays have a lower bound of 0 and
an upper bound of n-1 where n is the value of the constant expression.


int intArr[2]; // Defining array with two dimensions of type int
byte chars[3] = {'A','B','C'} //Defining byte array and assigning values to its dimesions print(someArray[2]); //Example of accesing a part of the array


Alef has build in Compiler in the Plan 9 OS but I can not find its name in the both the Plan 9 documentation and Alef's

Projects and Software in Alef

Is said in the documentations only , that some of the Plan 9 OS system software was made with Alef, but no exact name of program.


There is no certain standart created for Alef , but it is accepted that the C style is most suitable due to the big similarities between both.


Alef Language Reference Manual
Alef User's Guide
Alef on wikipedia
Plan 9 OS