// 6. Статични членове на клас - данни и функции. // // Fig. 7.17: employee2.h // Employee class definition. #ifndef EMPLOYEE2_H #define EMPLOYEE2_H class Employee { public: Employee( const char *, const char * ); // constructor ~Employee(); // destructor const char *getFirstName() const; // return first name const char *getLastName() const; // return last name // static member function static int getCount(); // return # objects instantiated private: char *firstName; char *lastName; // static data member static int count; // number of objects instantiated }; // end class Employee #endif /****/ // Fig. 7.18: employee2.cpp // Member-function definitions for class Employee. #include using std::cout; using std::endl; #include // C++ standard new operator #include // strcpy and strlen prototypes #include "employee2.h" // Employee class definition // define and initialize static data member int Employee::count = 0; // define static member function that returns number of // Employee objects instantiated int Employee::getCount() { return count; } // end static function getCount // constructor dynamically allocates space for // first and last name and uses strcpy to copy // first and last names into the object Employee::Employee( const char *first, const char *last ) { firstName = new char[ strlen( first ) + 1 ]; strcpy( firstName, first ); lastName = new char[ strlen( last ) + 1 ]; strcpy( lastName, last ); ++count; // increment static count of employees cout << "Employee constructor for " << firstName << ' ' << lastName << " called." << endl; } // end Employee constructor // destructor deallocates dynamically allocated memory Employee::~Employee() { cout << "~Employee() called for " << firstName << ' ' << lastName << endl; delete [] firstName; // recapture memory delete [] lastName; // recapture memory --count; // decrement static count of employees } // end ~Employee destructor // return first name of employee const char *Employee::getFirstName() const { // const before return type prevents client from modifying // private data; client should copy returned string before // destructor deletes storage to prevent undefined pointer return firstName; } // end function getFirstName // return last name of employee const char *Employee::getLastName() const { // const before return type prevents client from modifying // private data; client should copy returned string before // destructor deletes storage to prevent undefined pointer return lastName; } // end function getLastName /****/ // Fig. 7.19: fig07_19.cpp // Driver to test class Employee. #include using std::cout; using std::endl; #include // C++ standard new operator #include "employee2.h" // Employee class definition int main() { cout << "Number of employees before instantiation is " << Employee::getCount() << endl; // use class name Employee *e1Ptr = new Employee( "Susan", "Baker" ); Employee *e2Ptr = new Employee( "Robert", "Jones" ); cout << "Number of employees after instantiation is " << e1Ptr->getCount(); cout << "\n\nEmployee 1: " << e1Ptr->getFirstName() << " " << e1Ptr->getLastName() << "\nEmployee 2: " << e2Ptr->getFirstName() << " " << e2Ptr->getLastName() << "\n\n"; delete e1Ptr; // recapture memory e1Ptr = 0; // disconnect pointer from free-store space delete e2Ptr; // recapture memory e2Ptr = 0; // disconnect pointer from free-store space cout << "Number of employees after deletion is " << Employee::getCount() << endl; return 0; } // end main