1. Testing - unit tests

In a unit test, a function or procedure is compiled outside the program in which it will be used, together with a test harness that feeds arguments to it.

Write the following functions:
06 Tests whether two floating-point numbers are
07 approximately equal.
08 @param x a floating-point number
09 @param y another floating-point number
10 @return true if x and y are approximately equal
/*12*/ bool approx_equal(double x, double y)
/*13*/ { const double EPSILON = 1E-14;
/*14*/ if (x == 0) return fabs(y) <= EPSILON;
/*15*/ if (y == 0) return fabs(x) <= EPSILON;
/*16*/ return fabs(x - y) / max(fabs(x), fabs(y)) <= EPSILON;
/*17*/ }
/*19 Function to be tested
21 Computes the square root using Heron's formula
22 @param a an integer >= 0
23 @return the square root of a
/*25*/ double squareroot(double a)
/*26*/ { if (a == 0) return 0;
/*28*/ double xnew = a;
/*29*/ double xold;
/*30*/ do
/*31*/ { xold = xnew;;
/*32*/ xnew = (xold + a / xold) / 2;
/*33*/ }
/*34*/ while (!approx_equal(xnew, xold));
/*35*/ return xnew;
/*36*/ }
Test harness 1:
int main()
{  double x;
   while (cin >> x)
   {  double y = squareroot(x);
      cout << "squareroot of " << x << " = " << y << "\n";
   return 0;
Test harness 2:
/*39*/  int main()
/*40*/ { double x;
/*41*/ for (x = 0; x <= 10; x = x + 0.5)
/*42*/ { double y = squareroot(x);
/*43*/ cout << "squareroot of " << x << " = " << y << "\n";
/*44*/ }
/*45*/ return 0;
/*46*/ }

2. Debugging

Complete the "sqrtest2.cpp" program, compile it, and follow the instructions from Debugging C++ Programs Using "gdb".

3. Testing - test case evaluation

Once you have determined what inputs are needed to test the program, you need to decide if the outputs are correct.

Write the functions rand_seed and rand_double and complete the program with the test harness using the standard function sqrt as an oracle (see sqrtest5.cpp).