001: #include <string>
002: #include <iostream>
003: #include <cassert>
005: using namespace std;
007: class List;
008: class Iterator;
010: class Node {
012: public:
013:    /* 
014:       Constructs a node with a given data value.
015:       @param s the data to store in this node
016:    */
017:    Node(string s);
018: private:
019:    string data;
020:    Node* previous;
021:    Node* next;
022: friend class List;
023: friend class Iterator;
024: };
026: class List {
028: public:
029:    /**
030:       Constructs an empty list;
031:    */
032:    List();
033:    /**
034:       Appends an element to the list.
035:       @param s the value to append
036:    */
037:    void push_back(string s);
038:    /**
039:       Inserts an element into the list.
040:       @param iter the position before which to insert
041:       @param s the value to append
042:    */
043:    void insert(Iterator iter, string s);
044:    /**
045:       Removes an element from the list.
046:       @param i the position to remove
047:       @return an iterator pointing to the element after the
048:       erased element
049:    */
050:    Iterator erase(Iterator i);
051:    /**
052:       Gets the beginning position of the list.
053:       @return an iterator pointing to the beginning of the list
054:    */
055:    Iterator begin();
056:    /**
057:       Gets the past-the-end position of the list.
058:       @return an iterator pointing past the end of the list
059:    */
060:    Iterator end();
061: private:
062:    Node* first;
063:    Node* last;
064: };
066: class Iterator {
068: public:
069:    /**
070:       Constructs an iterator that does not point into any list.
071:    */
072:    Iterator();
073:    /**  
074:       Looks up the value at a position.
075:       @return the value of the node to which the iterator points
076:    */
077:    string get() const;
078:    /**
079:       Advances the iterator to the next node.
080:    */
081:    void next();
082:    /**
083:       Moves the iterator to the previous node.
084:    */
085:    void previous();
086:    /**
087:       Compares two iterators
088:       @param b the iterator to compare with this iterator
089:       @return true if this iterator and b are equal
090:    */
091:    bool equals(Iterator b) const;
092: private:
093:    Node* position;
094:    Node* last;
095: friend class List;
096: };
098: Node::Node(string s)
099: {  data = s;
101:    previous = NULL;
102:    next = NULL;
103: }
105: List::List()
106: {  first = NULL;
108:    last = NULL;
109: }
111: void List::push_back(string s)
112: {  Node* newnode = new Node(s);
114:    if (last == NULL) /* list is empty */
115:    {  first = newnode;
117:       last = newnode;
118:    }
119:    else
120:    {  newnode->previous = last;
122:       last->next = newnode;
123:       last = newnode;
124:    }
125: }
127: void List::insert(Iterator iter, string s)
128: {  if (iter.position == NULL)
130:    {  push_back(s);
132:       return;
133:    }
135:    Node* after = iter.position;
136:    Node* before = after->previous;
137:    Node* newnode = new Node(s);
138:    newnode->previous = before;
139:    newnode->next = after;
140:    after->previous = newnode;
141:    if (before == NULL) /* insert at beginning */
142:       first = newnode;
143:    else
144:       before->next = newnode;
145: }
147: Iterator List::erase(Iterator i)
148: {  Iterator iter = i;
150:    assert(iter.position != NULL);
151:    Node* remove = iter.position;
152:    Node* before = remove->previous;
153:    Node* after = remove->next;
154:    if (remove == first) first = after;
156:    else          before->next = after;
158:    if (remove == last)   last = before;
160:    else       after->previous = before;
162:    iter.position = after;
163:    delete remove;
164:    return iter;
165: }
167: Iterator List::begin()
168: {  Iterator iter;
170:    iter.position = first;
171:    iter.last = last;
172:    return iter;
173: }
175: Iterator List::end()
176: {  Iterator iter;
178:    iter.position = NULL;
179:    iter.last = last;
180:    return iter;
181: }
183: Iterator::Iterator()
184: {  position = NULL;
186:    last = NULL;
187: }
189: string Iterator::get() const
190: {  assert(position != NULL);
192:    return position->data;
193: }
195: void Iterator::next()
196: {  assert(position != NULL);
198:    position = position->next;
199: }
201: void Iterator::previous()
202: {  if (position == NULL) position = last;
205:    else    position = position->previous;
207:    assert(position != NULL);
208: }
210: bool Iterator::equals(Iterator b) const
211: {  return position == b.position;  }
215: int main()
216: {  List staff;
219:    staff.push_back("Cracker, Carl");
220:    staff.push_back("Hacker, Harry");
221:    staff.push_back("Lam, Larry");
222:    staff.push_back("Sandman, Susan");
224:    /* add a value in fourth place */
226:    Iterator pos;
227:    pos = staff.begin();
228:    pos.next();
229:    pos.next();
230:    pos.next();
232:    staff.insert(pos, "Reindeer, Rudolf");
234:    /* remove the value in second place */
236:    pos = staff.begin();
237:    pos.next();
239:    staff.erase(pos);
241:    /* print all values */
243:    for (pos = staff.begin(); !pos.equals(staff.end()); pos.next())
244:       cout << pos.get() << "\n";
246:    return 0;
247: }