The questions of Test 3 with two possible answers - one correct (yes) and one incorrect (no) We have a class: class Prod { public: Prod(); Prod(string n, int s); void read(); string get_name() const; void print() const; private: string name; int sc; }; and an object p of this class, constructed in the main function. Mark the correct and incorrect statements in the body of main function. (yes) Prod q; (no) cout <<; Mark with "yes" the statements which present infinite loops. The integer variable oh has a random value. (no) while (false) {oh++;} (yes) do oh--; while (true); Mark with "yes" the statements in which the loop body executes exactly once. An integer variable get has value 0. (yes) do get++; while (false); (no) do get++; while (get == 1); We have the following function declaration: int were(int me, int &you); Mark the correct and incorrect statements. We suppose that an integer variable \verb|is| is defined and initialized with \verb|0.| (yes) cout << were(10, is); (no) cout << were(0.5, is); We have the following variable definitions: int first = 10; int second = 9; int third = 8; Calculate the arithmetic expressions and mark with "yes" these, which have values 9. (yes) first / second (no) first % second / 2 Mark the correct and incorrect statements about the class Employee and an object merry of this class. (yes) merry.set_salary(2000); (no) Employee maya = set_salary(2000.00); We have the following variable definitions: string num = "1234"; string abc = "ABC"; Mark the syntax correct and incorrect statements. (yes) cout << num.substr(0,2); (no) cout << length(abc); Mark the correct and incorrect assertions about vectors. (yes) A vector is a collection of data items of the same type. (no) Valid values for the index range are from 0 to the size of the vector. We have a vector and values of its elements: vector a(2); a[0] = 0.5; a[1] = 1.5; Mark the correct and incorrect statements about syntax and logic. (yes) int k = a.size(); (no) int size_a = size(a); Mark the correct and incorrect declarations of a function quick. (yes) int quick(vector a); (no) void quick(vector &d(10)); Mark the syntax correct and incorrect loop statements. All variables have int type and initial value 1. (yes) for (t = -1; t < 4; t++) cout << t; (no) for {y = 1; y < 10; y++} cout << h; Mark the syntax correct and incorrect statements containing vectors. The variable b has a type vector and holds 10 elements. (yes) vector a(10); (no) vector a(100); Mark with "yes" the equivalent logical expressions (1) and (2). (yes) (1) country == "USA" (2) not (country != "USA") (no) (1) state == "AK" and state == "HI" (2) not (state == "HI") We have: double a, x; string s; bool flag1, flag2; Is it possible to compute the following logical expressions using lazy evaluations? (yes) or (a < 0) (no) not (x >= 0)