01: #include <iostream> 
02: using namespace std;
04: #include "ccc_empl.h"
06: /**
07:    Raise an employee salary 
08:    @param e employee receiving raise
09:    @param by the percentage of the raise
10: */
11: void raise_salary(Employee& e, double by)
12: {  double new_salary = e.get_salary() * (1 + by/100);
13:    e.set_salary(new_salary);
14: }
16: int main()
17: {  Employee harry("Hacker, Harry", 45000.00);
18:    raise_salary(harry, 5);
19:    cout << "New salary: " << harry.get_salary() << "\n";
20:    return 0;
21: }