#include <string>
 #include <iostream>
 using namespace std;

 #include "ccc_empl.h"
A department in an organization. */ class Department { public: Department(string n); void set_receptionist(Employee* e); void set_secretary(Employee* e); void print() const; private: string name; Employee* receptionist; Employee* secretary; }; /** Constructs a department with a given name. @param n the department name */ Department::Department(string n) { name = n; receptionist = NULL; secretary = NULL; } /** Sets the receptionist for this department. @param e the receptionist */ void Department::set_receptionist(Employee* e) { receptionist = e; } /** Sets the secretary for this department. @param e the secretary */ void Department::set_secretary(Employee* e) { secretary = e; } /** Prints a description of this department. */ void Department::print() const { cout << "Name: " << name << "\n" << "Receptionist: "; if (receptionist == NULL) cout << "None"; else cout << receptionist->get_name() << " " << receptionist->get_salary(); cout << "\nSecretary: "; if (secretary == NULL) cout << "None"; else if (secretary == receptionist) cout << "Same"; else cout << secretary->get_name() << " " << secretary->get_salary();
cout << "\n"; } int main() { Department shipping("Shipping"); Department qc("Quality Control"); Employee* harry = new Employee("Hacker, Harry", 45000); shipping.set_secretary(harry); Employee* tina = new Employee("Tester, Tina", 50000); qc.set_receptionist(tina); qc.set_secretary(tina); tina->set_salary(55000); shipping.print(); qc.print(); return 0; }